A cartoon to help eradicate statelessness

Published: 15/Mai/2015
Source: UNHCR

UNHCR is launching an animation film on statelessness on the occasion of the 74th Ordinary Session of the Council Ministers of the member States of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), being held in Accra on 15 and 16 May.

Statelessness is one of the important topics of discussion at the Accra meeting. At least 750,000 people are stateless or at risk of statelessness in West Africa, and more than 10 million throughout the world. The ministerial conference of the ECOWAS region, which took place in Abidjan in February 2015, was dedicated to the problem of statelessness. It was the occasion for the member States of this sub-regional institution to commit, alongside UNHCR, to eradicating this plight by 2024.

View video here.

Themes: Apatridie
Regions: Afrique de l'Ouest
Year: 2015