Addressing Formal and Substantive Citizenship: Gender Justice in Sub-Saharan Africa
Published: 1/Jan/2007
Source: IDRC and Kali for Women
By Celestsine Nyamu-Musembi
Chapter in: Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay and Navsharan Singh (eds.), Gender Justice, Citizenship and Development, Ottawa and New Delhi: IDRC and Kali for Women, 2007
Original available at:
This essay presents an overview of key issues in literature on gender justice, citizenship and entitlement in the sub-Saharan Africa region.
The essay begins with definitions of the key terms, making a special effort to draw from literature generated within the region. The second section, constituting most of the essay, is a review of the key literature, arranged by problem areas on which the literature on gender justice has focused. Problem areas I address are:
- formal or explicit exclusion of women from full citizenship status;
- religion and custom;
- gender inequalities in property relations;
- gender inequalities in family relations;
- women’s access to justice;
- sexual and reproductive health and rights; and
- gender justice in economic liberalization.
The third section is a brief reflection on links between research and advocacy on women’s rights in the region. The fourth reviews key initiatives by funding organizations, while the fifth summarizes a region-wide assessment of the key achievements in and challenges to achieving and institutionalizing gender justice. The final section makes recommendations on thematic priorities for applied research from 2005 to 2008.
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