Agenda 2040, Africa’s Agenda for children: Fostering an Africa Fit for Children
Published: 2/Aug/2017
Source: African Union / African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Adopted by the ACERWC 2016; approved by the AU Executive Council of Ministers, July 2017
Aspiration 3: Every child’s birth and other vital statistics are registered.
By 2040
- Birth registration is universal, compulsory and free.
- All legal systems contain an effective and accessible framework for the registration of all births.
- This framework is implemented effectively to ensure that every child is registered at birth.
- An accessible system for the registration of marriages and deaths is also put in place.
- All legal systems contain an effective and accessible provision ensuring that a child acquires the nationality of the country of his or her birth, if,at birth, the child is not granted nationality by any other State.
Link to ACERWC:
Download Agenda 2040: in English; in French