Biometrics registration for Zambia’s new national ID system underway

Published: 14/Mar/2022
Source: Biometric Update

By Ayang Macdonald

Zambia’s parliament has been told that work to put in place a new biometric ID system dubbed the Integrated National Registration Information System (INRIS) has started, with the biometrics of at least 15,000 Zambians already captured for that purpose.

According to Zambia Daily Mail, parliament was informed during a recent briefing that the system, once effectively implemented, will ensure the production of ID cards with advanced security features.

The report quotes Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister Jack Mwiimbu as saying in a ministerial statement that biometric ID documents to be issued under the INRIS scheme include national registration cards, as well as birth and death certificates.

“The INRIS will assign a national identity number at birth as opposed to when a citizen is 16 years old. This will make it very difficult for any ineligible person to register as a Zambian citizen,” Mwiimbu said in the statement.

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Themes: Cartes d’identité et passeports, Inscription aux listes électorales
Regions: Zambie
Year: 2022