Botswana ID cards take on a new face

Published: 17/Juil/1999
Source: IT Web

Botswana is the first SADC country to successfully introduce identification cards with AFIS (Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems) with the assistance of Face Technologies, a leading provider of turnkey systems and business solutions in identification technologies, security and access control.

Face Technologies, working with a local Botswana company Card Security Technology, was awarded the contract to produce new identification cards for Botswana and to design the government’s New Omang System for Botswana’s national identification register.

Prior to installing the new system, Botswana produced its identification cards manually which was costly, time consuming and lacked security features.

Mr Lash Mothlatlhedi, Computer Manager of the Botswana Computer Bureau, which centrally controls all government IT, says the new system went live in July last year. At the time the Department of Labour and Home Affairs was faced with a backlog of 200 000 ID cards with new applications coming in daily as a result of the Botswana National elections.

« We have managed to turn the situation around completely and have not only cleared the backlog, but have in all completed over 450 000 ID cards to date. »

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Themes: Cartes d’identité et passeports
Regions: Botswana
Year: 1999