CMW Concluding Observations: Mozambique 2018
Published: 16/Oct/2018
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of Migrant Workers
Concluding observations on the initial report of Mozambique
Birth registration and nationality
45.The Committee is concerned that a large number of births in the State party have not been registered and that a lack of information, bureaucratic obstacles and financial barriers prevent Mozambican migrant workers abroad from registering the birth of their children and from obtaining identity documents for them, particularly for those born outside maternity hospitals or whose parents are absent, which may put them at risk of statelessness and deprive them of their rights.
46. The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Ensure that all children of migrant workers born in the State party and children of Mozambican migrant workers born abroad are registered at birth and issued with identity documents, and that birth registration is facilitated and free of charge everywhere and under all circumstances, in accordance with target 16.9 of the Sustainable Development Goals;
(b) Raise awareness of the importance of birth registration among migrant workers and members of their families, especially those in an irregular situation.