Tanzania: Consequential Provisions Act No.59 of 1964

Published: 10/Dec/1964

An Act to make provision consequential upon Malawi, Zambia, Malta and Gambia attaining independence and upon certain Commonwealth countries ceasing to be part of the dominions of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2.-(1)  This  section shall be read as one with the Citizenship Act 1961.
(2)  In addition to the countries set out in subsection (3) of section 7 of the Citizenship Act, 1961 (which provides for persons to be Commonwealth citizens by virtue of citizenship of certain countries), or otherwise declared to be countries to which the said section 7 applies, the said section 7 shall, from the appropriate date, apply to Malawi, Zambia, Malta and Gambia.

Download : Consequential Provisions Act 59-1964

Themes: Acquisition of nationality
Regions: Tanzania
Year: 1964