Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.14) Act, No.14 of 1996

Published: 6/Dec/1996

Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.14) Act, No. 14 of 1996 (entry into force 6 December 1996).

Amends the constitution to restrict citizenship by birth to children born in Zimbabwe with one parent who is a citizen (removing previous rights for children born of parents who were ordinarily and lawfully resident). Removes gender discrimination and discrimination based on birth in or out of wedlock in relation to citizenship by descent, as well as all rights based on marriage.

Act as adopted: Zimbabwe Constitution Amendment Act 14 1996

Bill as published in Government Gazette (with explanatory memorandum): Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No 14 Bill 1996

Themes: Acquisition of nationality, Acquisition by children, Discrimination, Gender, Naturalisation and Marriage
Regions: Zimbabwe
Year: 1996