Diaspora Liberian Group Appeals to Senate to Concord with House to Pass Dual Citizenship into Law

Published: 26/Nov/2021
Source: Front Page Africa (Monrovia)

By Alaskai Moore Johnson

MONROVIA – The distinguished Chairman of the All-Liberian Conference on Dual Citizenship (ALCOD), Mr. Emmanuel S. Wettee is appealing to the Liberian Senate to please concord with the House of Representatives on the passage of the Dual Citizenship Bill that was recently passed by the House.

The bill, which sailed smoothly through the House, was intended to amend and or repeal some parts of the Aliens and Nationality Law of Liberia.

Specially, the bill sought to repeal Part III, Chapter 20, Section 20.1; Chapter 21, Sections 21.30, 21.31, 21.51 & 21.52 and Chapter 22, Sections 22.1, 22.1 & 22.4 of the Aliens and Nationality Law of the Liberian Code of Law Revised, Vol. II.

The bill was championed by Montserrado County Electoral District #8 Representative Acarous Moses Gray and was co-sponsored by 30 of his colleagues, including Deputy House Speaker Jonathan Fonati Koffa.

In his appeal to the Senate, Eminent Wettee urged members of the Senate to please concord with the House on the passage into law of the bill.

Since 2000, some members of the Senate, had on many ocassions, introduced amendments to the 1973 Aliens and Nationality Law on the Senate floor and those never passed.

Read further: https://frontpageafricaonline.com/news/diaspora-liberian-group-appeals-to-senate-to-concord-with-house-to-pass-dual-citizenship-into-law/

Themes: Double Nationalité
Regions: Libéria
Year: 2021