Eastern Africa Nationality Network Strategic Roadmap
Published: 27/Jul/2023
Source: East African Nationality Network
The Formation of the Eastern Africa Nationality Network
In May 2022, fifteen civil society organisations (the “EANN Founding Members”) came together to establish and launch the Eastern Africa Nationality Network (EANN). EANN aims to cover a geographic scope including Eastern Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region. These Founding Members identified four key objectives to pursue collectively as EANN:
1. Reinforce solidarity among CSO partners and actors on ending statelessness in the Eastern Africa region.
2. Foster joint regional and state-level advocacy with a common voice
3. Increase visibility, awareness, and resources to promote nationality rights and end statelessness in Eastern Africa.
4. Build capacity of civil society organisations, stateless-led organisations, and other stakeholders in the region on prevention of statelessness through peer learning and exchange
This high-level roadmap sets out the strategic objectives and activities of the Eastern Africa Nationality Network for 2023 to 2024 in pursuit of greater collaboration and impact in resolving statelessness in the region.
Membership Criteria
Membership in EANN is open to civil society organisations who are working on statelessness in the Eastern Africa region. EANN is also open to individual members, which can include people with lived experience of statelessness, academics, or other individuals working on statelessness in Eastern Africa.
To join, potential members must agree to sign on to the Eastern Africa Nationality Network’s Memorandum of Understanding4 and be willing to commit time and energy to EANN initiatives.
Are you interested in joining EANN? To apply to join or to seek further information on membership, please contact info@eanationalitynetwork.org
Download roadmap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qWcYYFAwL8p7ti-1M13O5aklp3Ysz9Oy/view
Download Memorandum of the Establishment of the Eastern Africa Nationality Network https://www.unhcr.org/africa/media/memorandum-establishment-eastern-africa-nationality-network