ECOWAS Citizenship: A Critical Review
Published: 1/May/2012
Source: American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities
By Michael P. Okom, J. A. Dada
The issue of ECOWAS citizenship is intriguing and undeniably complex. The Protocol on the Definition of ECOWAS Citizenship includes other onerous requirements which the Protocol failed to clarify. This lack of clarity makes the requirements, superfluous. In this article, the authors have critically analyzed the pre-requisites for the acquisition of ECOWAS citizenship highlighting the obvious incongruities. The paper argues in support of a regime whereby the requirements for ECOWAS citizenship are brought in tandem with the constitutional citizenship requirements of the various Member States. The article also discusses the problems related to the treatment of people by Member States in the wake of the spate of migration that ensued, after the introduction of “free movement”, and liability for trans-border crimes of individuals and corporate entities.
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