Ethiopia: Proclamation No.760-2012: Registration of vital events and national identity card (amended 2015 & 2017)

Published: 22/Aug/2012

WHEREAS, establishing a system of registration of vital events plays a key role in planning political, social and economic developments, in providing different social and economic services to citizens and in making the justice  administration expedient and effective;
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to create accessible, comprehensive and compulsory registration system on the  basis of which citizens can effect proper and timely registration of vital events;
WHEREAS, the issuance of national identity cards to citizens has become important for the protection of national security, and for providing efficient services to citizens by the public and private sectors;
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 sub-article (1) and (6) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

Download: Proclamation No.760-2012

Amendment providing for existing authorities to remain in place until new system activated in 2016: Proclamation No.902-2015

Amendment to provide for birth registration for the children of foreigners, including refugees, as well as Ethiopians: Proclamation No.1049/2017

Themes: Identity Documents, Birth Registration, ID Documents and Passports
Regions: Ethiopia
Year: 2012