From Victims to Change Makers | Mustafa Mahmoud | TEDxEuston

Published: 3/Jan/2018
Source: TEDx

Mustafa educated the TEDxEuston audience about the inequality faced by the Nubian community in Kenya. He takes us through his quest of how he was able to go beyond being a victim to a change maker. He explains how important it is to remember that you can silence an organisation, but you cannot silence a community. Justice and equality is everyone’s right! Watch and be inspired!

Mustafa is a committed social activist currently working with Namati’s Citizenship Program. Mustafa was most recently the Program Manager at the Nubian Rights Forum, a Kenyan NGO, where he managed a team of 7 paralegals assisting the Nubian ethnic minority in applying for citizenship documents. He has also been involved in a wide range of community work including volunteering for the Kenyan Red Cross and hosting radio programs which showcased politically motivated violence and enlightened the audience on the re-integration of ex-inmates.

Themes: Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious, Identity Documents, Birth Registration, ID Documents and Passports, Statelessness
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2018