Id­entification Syst­ems Analysis: Country Assessment Morocco

Published: 1/Juil/2014
Source: World Bank

This report presents the context and findings emerging from the application of the identity assessment tool, which was developed as part of the Social Protection Assessment (SPA) multiagency platform, including dedicated reference and technical working groups.2 In particular, the tool was applied to the case of Morocco where there have been major advances over the last decade in the country’s identification landscape. The report examines the key challenges in identification as described in the “What Matters” section of the assessment tool and attempts to highlight areas where further progress could be made (see summary box on What Matters in Identity below). It draws from field visits, interviews with practitioners and secondary material (see Annex II for methodology).

While the identity ecosystem in the Kingdom of Morocco is highly developed with multiple identity programs operating for many years, recently there has been a recognition on the part of the Moroccan Government that this existing myriad of programs does not fully meet the identification needs of the country. This is partly because there is no single identity program that has 100% coverage of the entire population, or that can cover the population across all age groups. Government agencies continue to operate under different identity programs that are not harmonized. In addition, the information that accumulated over the years in the various identification databases has not been assessed for reliability and quality. As a result all programs that depend on identification of the individual or the household, including social protection programs, suffer from an increased administrative burden arising from the lack of a reliable unified registry.

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Themes: Cartes d’identité et passeports
Regions: Maroc
Year: 2014