Integrate Somali refugees into Kenya society

Published: 16/Jul/2015
Source: The Star

There are more than half a million refugees in Kenya, trapped in protracted situations with few opportunities for self-reliance. Some Somali refugees have stayed at the Dadaab camp for 25 years. Their prolonged stay is not in any way illegal but it should be a concern to all that we ought to find lasting solutions for them.

A tripartite agreement signed in 2013 by the UNHCR and the governments of Kenya and Somalia set out a framework for voluntary repatriation of Somali refugees. It is expected that a few Somalis, if not all, will voluntarily return home.

The other two durable options accepted internationally are resettlement to third countries and local integration.

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Themes: Nationality and Refugees
Regions: East Africa, Kenya
Year: 2015