Nigeria Constitution 1960

Published: 1/Oct/1960

Independence constitution; chapter II contains provisions on citizenship. CHAPTER II: CITIZENSHIP Persons who become citizens on October 1, 1960 7.–(1) Every person who, having been born in the former Colony or Protectorate of Nigeria, was on the thirtieth day of […]

Constitution of the Somali Republic, 1960

Published: 1/Jul/1960

Article 2: The People 1.The people consists of all the citizens. 2.The manner of acquiring and losing citizenship shall be established by law. 3.No person may be denied citizenship or deprived thereof for political reasons. Article 3: Equality of the […]

Union of Somaliland and Somalia, Law No.1 of 1960

Published: 27/Jun/1960

As adopted by the Somaliland legislative assembly 27 June 1960 and published in the Somaliland Gazette 5 July 1960. Extract: Citizenship (1) All persons who upon the date of this Union possess the citizenship of Somaliland and Somalia respectively shall […]

Somaliland Nationality and Citizenship Ordinance 1960

Published: 25/Jun/1960

Somaliland was a British Protectorate. This ordinance governed the acquisition of Somaliland citizenship at independence in 1960, before the merger of Somaliland and Somalia in July 1960. Text as made available by somalilandlaw.com. Download: Somaliland Nationality & Citizenship Ordinance 1960 […]

Ethiopia Civil Code, Proclamation 165 of 1960

Published: 5/May/1960

Contains provisions on civil status, including birth registration. Proclamation No. 213/2000 of 2000 on the Revised Family Code states that the provisions of the Civil Code on persons (Book One, Articles 198-338) and on family and successions (Book Two, Articles […]

Somalia Citizenship Law No.9 of 12 February 1960

Published: 12/Feb/1960

Adopted by the legislative assembly in anticipation of Somalia independence. Superseded by Law No. 28 of 22 December 1962 on Somali Citizenship. Download (in Italian): Somalia Citizenship Law Italian 12Feb1960

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