Tanzania: Consequential Provisions Act No.59 of 1964

Published: 10/Dec/1964

An Act to make provision consequential upon Malawi, Zambia, Malta and Gambia attaining independence and upon certain Commonwealth countries ceasing to be part of the dominions of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2.-(1)  […]

Malawi Citizenship Act No.2 of 1964

Published: 12/Nov/1964

Supplementing the provisions of the 1964 Constitution. An Act to make provision for the acquisition of citizenship of Malawi by registration in certain cases; to regulate the manner and circumstances in which aliens may be naturalized as citizens of Malawi […]

Zambia Constitution 1964

Published: 24/Oct/1964

Schedule 2 to the Zambia Independence Order, 1964. Chapter II provides for citizenship. Article 5: Every person born in Zambia after 23rd October, 1964, shall become a citizen of Zambia at the date of his birth: Provided that a person […]

Zambia Citizenship Ordinance No.61 of 1964

Published: 22/Oct/1964

Supplementing the 1964 constitution to provide for acquisition of citizenship by registration and naturalisation and for loss and deprivation of citizenship. Download: Zambia Citizenship Ordinance no 61 1964

DRC Constitution de Luluabourg 1964

Published: 1/Aug/1964

Article 6 Il existe une seule nationalité congolaise. Elle est attribuée, à la date du 30 juin 1960, à toute personne dont un des ascendants est ou a été membre d’une tribu ou d’une partie de tribu établie sur le […]

Constitution of Malawi 1964

Published: 6/Jul/1964

The Independence Constitution (adopted by the Malawi Independence Order 1964, UK Statutory Instrument 1964/916). 1. (1) Every person who, having been born in the former Nyasaland Protectorate, is on 5th July 1964 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies […]

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