Maroc: Loi n° 37-99 relative à l’état civil

Published: 3/Oct/2002

Promulguée par le Dahir n° 1-02-239 du 25 rejeb 1423 (3 octobre 2002) Télécharger: Au Ministere de la justice: http://adala.justice.gov.ma/production/legislation/fr/civil/l%20etat%20civil.htm En PDF: Maroc Etat civil loi 37-99  

Ghana: Parliamentary Debates – Citizenship Bill 1999

Published: 15/Dec/1999

Bringing into conformity with the 1996 constitution: First reading: Citizenship Bill First Reading 25.05.1999 Second reading: Citizenship Bill Second Reading 17.11.1999 Consideration stage: Citizenship Bill Consideration 15.12.1999

Mauritius: Citizenship Amendment Act No.24 of 1999

Published: 30/Nov/1999

Increasing the fee for naturalisation for ‘investors’ based on two years’ residence only: Section 9 of the principal Act is amended in subsection (3) by deleting the words “3,000,000 rupees” and replacing them by the words “500,000 US dollars or […]

Cabo Verde Lei Constitucional n.º 1/V/99 de 23 de Novembro

Published: 23/Nov/1999

Artigo 5º (Cidadania) São cidadãos cabo-verdianos todos aqueles que, por lei ou por convenção internacional, sejam considerados como tal. O Estado poderá concluir tratados de dupla nacionalidade. Os Cabo-verdianos poderão adquirir a nacionalidade de outro país sem perder a sua […]

Constitution de la République Arabe Sahraouie Démocratique 1999

Published: 4/Sep/1999

Constitution de la RASD  adoptée par le dixième Congrès national, 26.08.- 04.09.99 Préambule Le peuple sahraoui – peuple arabe, africain et musulman – qui a décidé de déclencher sa guerre de libération en 1973, sous la conduite du Front POLISARIO, […]

Niger Constitution 1999 – Article 36 – le Pouvoir Exécutif

Published: 18/Jul/1999

Constitution du Niger du 18 Juillet 1999 (Promulguée par décret N° 99-320 / PCRN du 09 Août 1999) Titre III : Du Pouvoir Exécutif Article 36 Le Président de la République est élu pour cinq (5) ans au suffrage universel […]

Botswana ID cards take on a new face

Published: 17/Jul/1999
Source: IT Web

Botswana is the first SADC country to successfully introduce identification cards with AFIS (Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems) with the assistance of Face Technologies, a leading provider of turnkey systems and business solutions in identification technologies, security and access control. Face […]

In the Name of Security: Forced Round-Ups of Refugees in Tanzania

Published: 1/Jul/1999
Source: Human Rights Watch

I fled Burundi in 1972 and came to Tanzania. I have lived in Rusaba B settlement in Tanzania since that time with no problems. My seven children were born in Tanzania. We get along with our neighbors. We contribute to […]

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