Ghana Citizenship Act No. 591, 2000

Published: 29/Dec/2000

Repeals and replaces the Ghana Nationality Act, 1971 (Act 361) as amended. Act as published in Government Gazette: here (PDF, 1022 kb) “Clean” PDF including Immigration Regulations 2001, Citizenship Regulations 2001, and schedule of forms: Ghana Citizenship Act 2000 and Regulations 2001

Zimbabwe: Carr v. Registrar General

Published: 30/Nov/2000
Source: Zimbabwe Supreme Court

The applicant, who was born outside Zimbabwe, was registered as a citizen of Zimbabwe in 1995. When she did so, she renounced her United Kingdom citizenship in accordance p with the form of renunciation set out in the Schedule to […]

ACHPR Comm 97/93_14AR : John K. Modise / Botswana

Published: 6/Nov/2000
Source: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

Summary of Facts 1. The Complainant claims citizenship of Botswana under the following circumstances: His father was a citizen of Botswana who went to work in South Africa. While in South Africa, he married and the Complainant was an issue […]

CRC Concluding Observations: Comoros, 2000

Published: 23/Oct/2000
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

CRC/C/15/Add.141 Twenty-fifth session Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 44 of the Convention Concluding observations: The Islamic Federal Republic of the Comores Birth registration 27.The Committee is concerned at the limitations in the State party’s birth registration system, […]

CRC Concluding Observations: Central African Republic, 2000

Published: 18/Oct/2000
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

CRC/C/15/Add.138 Right to a name and nationality 36. The Committee is concerned at the low levels of birth registration in the State party and at reports indicating that there are financial charges for this service. 37. In light of article […]

Libya: Follow-up to LBY35036 of 8 September 2000 on whether a Tunisian who was born in Libya and whose father had been granted Libyan citizenship can obtain Libyan citizenship; if so, procedure; whether he would have to give up his Tunisian citizenship

Published: 3/Oct/2000
Source: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The following information was provided on 22 September 2000 by the Senior Legal Specialist of the Law Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.: The Libyan Nationality Law (Law no 17 of 1554 of 18 April 1954) was enacted soon after […]

La Guerre des Chiffres: Une constante dans la politique au Nord Kivu

Published: 1/Oct/2000
Source: L'afrique des Grands Lacs Annuaire

Par Stanislas Bucyalimwe Mararo Abstract In an effort to contribute to a better understanding of the local stakes, overshadowed by regional geopolitics, our reflection turns to an update of a rather old issue, namely, the controversy regarding the number of […]

Constitution de la Côte d’Ivoire, 2000

Published: 1/Aug/2000

LOI N° 2000-513 DU 1er AOÛT 2000 PORTANT CONSTITUTION DE LA CÔTE D’IVOIRE ARTICLE 35 Le président de la République est élu pour cinq ans au suffrage universel direct. Il n’est rééligible qu’une fois. Le candidat à l’élection présidentielle doit […]

Ethiopia: Proclamation No. 213/2000 The Revised Family Code

Published: 4/Jul/2000

Provides for recognition of civil, religious and customary marriage, & for recognition of parental affiliation. Article 319 provides that: 1) The following provisions shall not be applicable in the Administrations where this Code applies: (a) provisions of the Civil Code […]

Tanzania Government to Vet Non-Citizens

Published: 2/Jun/2000
Source: The East African

Dar-es-Salaam (The East African, June 2, 2000) – The Tanzania government, wary of infiltration by foreigners of top strategic positions in the army, government and politics, has embarked on a discreet campaign to identify non-Tanzanians and weed them out. Government […]

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