Cabo Verde: Compilation of nationality laws

Published: 31/Dec/2004

[as amended to 2004] Parte I 1. Constituição da República de Cabo Verde 2. Pactos internacionais Parte II Secção/1 – Lei da Nacionalidade – Lei n.º 80/III/90 de 29 de Junho alterada pelas leis n.º 41/IV/92 de 6 de Abril […]

Constitution de la République centrafricaine 2004

Published: 27/Dec/2004

Art. 61 : Sont du domaine de la loi: 1. Les règles relatives aux matières suivantes: les droits civiques et les garanties fondamentales accordées aux citoyens pour l’exercice des libertés publiques; le respect du quota accordé aux femmes dans les […]

Le Parlement ivoirien a amendé l’éligibilité à la présidence

Published: 18/Dec/2004
Source: Le Monde

Dorénavant, conformément aux accords de paix de Marcoussis conclus en janvier 2003, il suffit d’être “exclusivement” ivoirien et d’êtré né de père ou de mère ivoirien (et non plus des deux) pour prétendre à la magistrature suprême. En votant l’amendement, […]

Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission – Partial Award: Civilian Claims – Ethiopia’s Claim 5

Published: 17/Dec/2004
Source: Reports of International Arbitral Awards (UN)

Summary of decision includes: Expulsion of civilians—no liability arising from departure resulting of economic and social dislocation due to war or for harsh conditions of such journeys thereafter—no  liability arising from a short notice of departure and consecutive economic loss—right […]

Birth registration no small affair for refugee children in Ghana

Published: 8/Dec/2004
Source: UNHCR

The UN refugee agency and the Ghanaian Registrar of Births and Deaths are registering children in Buduburam refugee settlement in order to provide them with birth certificates. This will fulfil their birthright to an identity and facilitate repatriation should their […]

CEDAW: State Report of the DRC, 2004

Published: 30/Nov/2004
Source: UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

CEDAW/C/COD/4-5 Combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of States parties: Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislation on nationality Congolese nationality is currently governed by Decree-Law No. 197 of 29 January 1999, amending and supplementing Act No. 81-002 of 29 June […]

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