Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 36th Session of the UPR: Libya

Published: 3/Oct/2019
Source: Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion and Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights

Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 36th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (Third Cycle, April-May 2020): Libya

1. The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) and Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights make this joint submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), on the right to a nationality and human rights challenges pertaining to statelessness in Libya.

2. This submission focuses on gender discrimination in nationality laws, specifically the inability of Libyan women to confer nationality on their children and non-national spouses on an equal basis with Libyan men. The submission also looks at the risk of statelessness and related human rights challenges faced by minority communities in Libya.


Themes: International standards, Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious, Gender, Statelessness
Regions: Libya
Year: 2019