Kenya: Presidential Proclamation: In the Matter of the Petitions by the Asian Community for Formal Recognition as a Tribe in Kenya
Published: 21/Juil/2017
Gazette Notice No. 7245, Kenya Gazette, Vol. CXIX—No. 102
WHEREAS, the Presidency and other Government Offices have received numerous Petitions from Kenyans of Asian Heritage requesting the formal recognition of the Community as a Kenyan Tribe;
WHEREAS, the Preamble to the Constitution of Kenya affirms our National Pride in our Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Diversity being the bedrock of our Unity as a Sovereign Nation;
WHEREAS, Articles 11 and 44 of the Constitution of Kenya enshrine the duty of Government to promote and protect the diverse cultural heritage of Kenya; and
WHEREAS, Kenyans of Asian Heritage have been an integral part of our National fabric since the Dawn of our Nation.
NOW THEREFORE, and having considered the said Petitions in light of the Constitution of Kenya, our National Values and Principles of Governance;
I do hereby Recognize, Proclaim and Order:
1. THAT Kenyans of Asian Heritage constitute a Community that is one of the Tribes of Kenya;
2. THAT from now henceforth the Community of Kenyans of Asian Heritage are Kenya’s 44th Tribe;
3. THAT all Persons, Bodies and Authorities within the Republic of Kenya shall recognize the Community of Kenyans of Asian Heritage as being Kenya’s 44th Tribe.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces, have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of July, 2017 at State House, Nairobi.
Download: Kenya Gazette VolCXIX-No102 Kenyans of Asian Heritage 21July2017