Liberia: National Identification Registry to Issue National ID Cards to Liberians along Sierra Leone Border

Published: 26/Nov/2021
Source: Front Page Africa (Monrovia)

MONROVIA – The National Identification Registry (NIR) has launched a pilot project that will allow for issuance of national identification cards to Liberians living in communities along our border with the Republic of Sierra Leone. This project, which will be implemented over the next sixty days, is expected to set the basis for possible use of the national identification card as an acceptable travel document within the Mano River Union, comprising of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire.

It can be recalled that a delegation from the Government of Liberia, headed by the Executive Director of the NIR and comprising a representative from the Liberia Immigration Service, visited Sierra Leone from September 8 – 9, 2021, at the invitation of the Mano River Union Secretariat for consultations on use of national ID cards as travel documents between Liberia and Sierra Leone. That meeting was chaired by the Mano River Union Secretary General, Ambassador Medina A. Wesseh. The Government of Sierra Leone was represented by Hon. Mohammed Massaquoi, Director General of Sierra Leone’s National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA).

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Themes: Cartes d’identité et passeports
Regions: Libéria
Year: 2021