Morocco’s stateless children
Published: 2/Nov/2017
Source: Euronews / Oliver Roy
By Oliver Roy
There are many people around the world that are born and die without leaving any official trace of their existence. They are ghosts in their own country; unaccounted for, unidentifiable and hidden.
The lack of functional civil registration systems in many places ensures that a lot of births and deaths are never recorded, effectively rendering huge parts of the world’s population invisible. This phenomenon is often more prevalent in low and middle income countries whose systems aren’t fully developed and key statistics not recorded. Although Morocco has undertaken many important initiatives to guarantee the rights of its most vulnerable citizens. It remains one of 39 countries classed as very low on the vital statistics performance index (VSPI) which calculates a score of efficiency for each country. According to a report by Unicef, bettween 2010 – 2015 6% of children born in Morocco went unregistered.
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