NADRA powers Somalia’s digital transformation with foundational ID infrastructure
Published: 13/Jan/2025
Source: Biometric Update
By Ayang Macdonald
Somalia is certainly on the right path in the pursuit of its digital transformation ambitions, thanks in large part to foundational identity infrastructure built with support from Pakistan’s National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA).
After the putting in place of a National Identity Management System (NIMS), Somalia is now preparing to launch a Civil Registration Management and Vital Statistics System (CRMVS) which is part of its National Identification System (SNID) project, according to a NADRA news release.
NADRA recalls that the NIMS was rolled out last year with a launching ceremony organized by the Somalia National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) during a maiden national ID conference which took place in Mogadishu on September 16. Biometric ID cards have since been issued, the first for the country in 30 years.
The new civil registration system was built and handed over to Somali authorities last November, to complete what NADRA says are “foundational infrastructure essential for implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and providing Somali citizens with easy access to legal identification.”
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