NCP: Dual nationality not an option in case of secession

Published: 18/Déc/2010
Source: Sudan Vision

The National Congress Party (NCP) has underlined that dual nationality will not be an option in case of separation through the South Sudan referendum set for Jan.2011.

The NCP Leadership member, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour stressed that the issues of citizenship and nationality are governed by international laws. « Our opinion is quite clear in these issues. They are subject to the laws of the state as they are issues related to the sovereignty, as well as the political, , economic , and social security of the country. » Voiced Ghandour. « If secession was the outcome of the vote, the Sudan will not allow a dual nationality on ethnic basis,  » the NCP prominent figure told the BBC .
He elaborated, « Under no circumstances would any country allow the citizens of another country hold her own proper nationality, notwithstanding, we look forward to having close relationships with our brothers in the South if secession was the destiny. » We aspire to having a full partnership with our brothers in the South with the exclusion of the dual nationality, said Ghandor.

« We can answer the advocates of the dual nationality by saying: If the dual nationality is a crucial issue, then why is the call for secession initially?, » he inquired. The ruling party member renewed government commitment to protect southerners and their property in the North should the break away was their option.

Southerners and their assets in the North are secured. And there will be no individual or collective deportation. Rather there will be an interim period, now under dialogue. As , according to the international law , no person should be without a nationality, the Sudan will issue nationality , but not on ethnic basis , it will be issued in favor of who is entitled in accordance with our national law, said Ghandour. He said the Abyei issue could be overcome through dialogue, stressing that the matter has been referred to the joint committee by the higher-level Panel haired by Mbeki. Thereafter, it will be tabled before the President Al-Basher and his Deputy, Salva Kiir in the presence of the mediators.

« We hope that there be good faith and all parties work for resolving Abyei issue in a way that will reserves the rights of all the citizens of the region and render Abyei a link of bilateral relations and integration between the two states in case of separation. » He said adding, « what is wanted is a political will and a full awareness of the importance of a fair resolution of the issue. »

He stressed the importance of completing the remaining 20% of the border demarcation process and resolving the dispute over the five areas, besides, Abyei.

External file: NCP: Dual Nationality Not An Option in Case of Secession

Themes: Succession d'États, Perte et déchéance de la nationalité, Nouveaux Etats
Regions: Soudan du sud, Soudan
Year: 2010