Kenya: Nowhere to call home in promised land

Published: 13/Jun/2009
Source: The Nation (Nairobi)

Citing a 1956 prophecy by its Zimbabwean founder, members of the Gospel of God Church hold that Kenya is the Promised Land.


As popular Christian folklore, mythology and scriptures go, the place variously referred to as Canaan, the Promised Land or the land flowing with milk and honey in the Bible is somewhere in the Middle East.

The book of Exodus, which gives account of the great escape of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, led by Moses, precisely locates the Promised Land between rivers Euphrates and Tigris — which would be in the present-day Iraq.

But if you are in Kenya and you believe the teachings of one of the least known religious groups in the country, you are actually living on the Promised Land today.

Citing a 1956 prophecy by its Zimbabwean founder, Baba Johane Masowe, members of the group known as the Gospel of God Church hold that Kenya is the Promised Land.


Although a majority of the Vapostori are of the second and third generations, most of them are stateless. They neither have Kenyan nor Zimbabwean papers, an issue that sets them on a collision course with the authorities.


Read on The Nation website.

Themes: Statelessness
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2009