Presentation by the Kenya Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva at the Side Event “From Aspiration to Action – Including Displaced Populations in the 2030 Agenda”

Published: 30/Jun/2017

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to be given this opportunity to speak on the subject “From Aspiration to Action – Including Displaced Populations in the 2030 Agenda” with specific reference to Kenya’s progress in addressing issues of statelessness and risks of statelessness and the linkage to the Sustainable Development Goals. I will focus on the case of the Makonde ethnic community, a people who originated from the territory of present day Mozambique and who came to work in pre-independence Kenya in the 1940s.

Download: Kenya Presentation side event Aspiration to Action 2017

Themes: Naturalisation and Marriage, Statelessness
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2017