‘Prone to hacking’: expert witness in Kenya’s Huduma Namba hearings first round

Published: 26/Sep/2019
Source: Biometric Update

By Frank Hersey

“[The National Integrated Identity Management System] thus is an archaic design compared to modern-day systems architecture and can be rightly thought of as a horse-buggy drawn by a lame horse on a digital highway. That it would fail and fall behind is a foregone conclusion,” expert witness Anand Venkatanarayanan told judges in Kenya’s High Court.

The Huduma Namba project

Kenya’s national ID scheme is back in the dock as civil rights group bring a case against a new draft bill, questioning whether the scheme is constitutional. The ‘single source of truth’ project has been up and running for several months, with millions of Kenyans (at least 37 million) already having had their biometrics captured to get a unique huduma namba or ‘service number’.

A new bill has been drafted to open up a new registration period and circumnavigate the High Court’s previous findings.

Read further: https://www.biometricupdate.com/201909/prone-to-hacking-expert-witness-in-kenyas-huduma-namba-hearings-first-round

Themes: Cartes d’identité et passeports
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2019