Reaffirmation of the Commitments of the Abuja Action Statement and their Implementation

Published: 29/Jan/2019
Source: UNHCR

Recalling the common purpose and objectives of the Abuja Action Statement of 8 June 2016, the Governments of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria, with the participation of a broad range of partners engaged in the response to forced displacement, convened a second Regional Protection Dialogue (RPD 2), on 28-29 January 2019.

Hosted by the Federal Government of Nigeria, with the technical facilitation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the RPD 2 was an opportunity to review the protection situation in all four countries, taking stock of progress and examining current challenges with a view to enhancing the response to the urgent needs of refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and host communities.

United in their intention to address the root causes of displacement and realize sustainable solutions for those affected by conflict, the Governments of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria:


Regarding Nationality and Documentation

Civil registration and documentation are tools for both protection and solutions, including for persons with specific needs, and also enhance State capacity for accurate information on persons on their territory. Alongside the strengthening of national policies, procedures and capacity, continued attention is required to raise awareness of the importance of civil registration and documentation, especially to ensure that every child is registered immediately after birth and that late birth registration is available without discrimination.

1. Collaborate with civil society organizations on a broad range of information campaigns and the provision of legal and practical assistance to access documentation;

2. Proactive attention to birth registration in programming and operation procedures in the health and education sectors;

3. Reinforce government-led registration processes and the application of resulting data in the best interests of the needs of affected populations;

4. Provide access to civil documentation, including for children born in countries of asylum;

5. Establish registration systems for IDPs to support timely protection, assistance and identification of solutions;

6. Pursue national plans to eradicate statelessness, including the adoption or amendment of relevant legislation or policies to prevent and reduce statelessness.

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Themes: Birth Registration, ID Documents and Passports, Nationality and Refugees, Statelessness
Regions: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria
Year: 2019