Should Egypt deprive convicted terrorists of their citizenship?
Published: 15/Avr/2018
Source: The Arab Weekly
Legal experts warned that the law could do more harm than good to Egypt’s counterterrorism efforts.
By: Amr Emam
CAIRO – Egypt’s parliament is debating a bill, publicly supported by many MPs, that would strip convicted terrorists of their citizenship.
The bill, which is expected to soon be referred to parliament for voting, would strip the citizenship of anyone convicted of terrorist offences, including membership of outlawed groups and national security crimes.
“The bill is very important now that a large number of Egyptian nationals are working against their country’s national security,” said MP Mustafa Bakri, who proposed the bill. “If passed into law, the bill will deter a large number of the terrorists and those who harm this country by denying them a citizenship they do not deserve.”
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