Sierra Leone citizenship – The right to have rights

Published: 16/Nov/2021
Source: Sierra Leone Telegraph

Abdulai Mansaray

In a recent announcement, President Bio declared in a tweet that “Another promise made and delivered! My government has just approved and authorised the Attorney General to lay in parliament a proposed amendment to the constitution of Sierra Leone that will allow dual citizens to be qualified to be elected as Members of Parliament” ( October 2021). To all intents and purposes, you cannot overlook the remarkable efforts from various sectors including “rights” groups and especially Dr Yumkella of the NGC Party.

It comes as no surprise that Dr Yumkella championed with passion and dedication, the bill to allow Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora to run for political positions in the country. After all, he was the subject of what many saw as a calculated effort by the erstwhile APC government to stop him from contesting the 2018 elections: thanks to his alleged dual citizenship at the time.

Dr Yumkella presented his proposal under the “Inclusive and Equitable Governance Bill”, which finally reached the Attorney General’s desk last month.

The contributions of Sierra Leoneans living in the diaspora to the country cannot be overemphasised. Notwithstanding the contribution to the nation’s GDP, the impacts are well documented.

Read further:

Themes: Double Nationalité, Nationalité des politiciens
Regions: Sierra Leone
Year: 2021