South Africa: ‘Disregard for human rights’ – Frozen IDs still not unblocked by home affairs

Published: 29/Jun/2024
Source: The Citizen (Johannesburg)

South Africa’s Home Affairs fails court order, leaving 700,000 IDs blocked amid fraud suspicions unresolved.

By Masoka Dube

The department of home affairs (DHA) has failed to implement a court ruling instructing it to release some of the identity documents (ID) that were blocked on suspicions of fraud.

In January, a judgment was handed down by the high court stating home affairs blocking more than 700 000 IDs was unlawful as the department had not followed proper procedure.

Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), which represented more than 100 people, claimed none of its clients’ IDs had been unblocked in the stipulated 90 days.

As part of the administrative process, the department was ordered to obtain a court order to block the IDs which were suspected to be fraudulent.

LHR’s Thandeka Chauke told Saturday Citizen their clients were frustrated, as the 90 days lapsed on Tuesday and there had been no communication from the department.

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Themes: ID Documents and Passports
Regions: South Africa
Year: 2024