South Africa: Draft Official Identity Management Policy
Published: 31/Dec/2020
Source: South African Department of Home Affairs
Public Consultation Version, Government Notice No.1425, 31 December 2020
Section 3.3 Policy Objectives:
This policy is developed with the following objectives in mind:
- Enable an inclusive digital population register that is secure, accurate and confidential
- Position the DHA as the sole provider of official documentation relating to the identity of civic and international migration status of citizens and foreign nationals within South Africa’s territorial jurisdiction
- Position the DHA as the sole provider of official identity and civic status verification services
- Establish rules that govern accessing and processing population register records and data in line with relevant policies and legislation such as the POPI Act and the Cybercrimes Bill
- Establish the NIS to generate critical data needed for e-government and e-commerce to function
- Enable an application for DHA services via multiple channels
Download: DHA_New-ID-system-draft-policy_Dec2020
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