Stateless man denied residence in SA

Published: 27/Juin/2014
Source: The Daily Vox

Frederik Ngubane, a stateless man who took Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba to court, has had his application for permanent residence denied because he could not prove his citizenship. The decision means that Ngubane cannot legally enter or remain in any country, including South Africa.

Ngubane’s lawyer, Liesl Muller of the NGO Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), said the reason provided by the Home Affairs did not make sense. “This is the very reason we were advised by Home Affairs to apply for residence [rather than citizenship] in the first place,” she said.

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Themes: Apatridie, Cartes d’identité et passeports, Pièces d'identité
Regions: Afrique du Sud, Afrique australe
Year: 2014