Stateless Shona plead for Kenyan citizenship

Published: 15/Oct/2020
Source: The Star (Nairobi)

The community arrived in the country as missionaries in 1960s and is settled at Kinoo

In Summary

• Governor Nyoro says the Shona should be treated as Kenyans for their contribution to the country’s development since their arrival from Zimbabwe in 1960s as missionaries.

• He said he has pleaded with President Kenyatta to look at their plight and it is now a matter of when and not how before they are recognised as Kenyans.

The Shona might become Kenya’s 44th tribe if the ongoing efforts for the 5,000-member community to be recognised as such bear fruit.

Kiambu Governor James Nyoro says the Shona should be treated as Kenyans since they have contributed a lot to the economy of Kiambu and the country.

“I agree and support that they should be given identity cards just like the Makonde community were recognised as they have contributed a lot for the country,” said Nyoro.

The Makonde, who live in Kwale, were officially declared the 43rd tribe by President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2017. The Asian community has also been recognised as a Kenyan tribe.

Nyoro, who met a group of Shonas on Wednesday, said he has pleaded with President Kenyatta to look at their plight and it is now a matter of when and not how before they are recognised as Kenyans.

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Themes: Apatridie, Discrimination, Ethnique/Raciale/Religieuse
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2015
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