Swaziland Refugees Act No.15 of 2017

Published: 22/Dec/2017

Section 20:

(1) Section 4 (3) of this Act does not apply to a refugee who is able to invoke compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution for refusing to avail oneself of the protection of the country of nationality or former habitual residence of that refugee.
(2) Where a person to whom this section applies is unwilling to be resettled, and that person has been resident in Swaziland for a period of at least ten years, that person may apply for Swazi citizenship by registration as contemplated in section 45 of the Constitution.
(3) The person referred to in subsection (2) shall only be registered as a citizen of Swaziland if the application is supported by a Chief after consultation with bandlancane or supported by three reputable citizens.

Download: Eswatini Refugee Act 2017

Themes: Nationality and Refugees
Regions: Eswatini
Year: 2017