Archives de tags : Kenyan_Asian

Long-awaited nationality for Asian stateless in Kenya

Published: 2/Sep/2021
Source: Asian Statelessness Eradication Initiative in Kenya

4 decades ago, this issue began by a change in law, split families, and changed a whole generation of people. On the wayside got left behind roughly 4 to 5 dozen individuals. Extremely marginalized. On Thursday, 02 September 2021, a […]

Stateless Asians awarded Kenyan citizenship certificates

Published: 2/Sep/2021
Source: The Star (Nairobi)

by TRACY MUTINDA Members of the Stateless Asians of Kenya Community were awarded Kenyan citizenship certificates on Thursday. Fify-two Asians went home with their certificates as the government vowed to end statelessness. In attendance during the award ceremony were Director […]

State grants 52 stateless Asians Kenyan citizenship

Published: 2/Sep/2021
Source: The Star (Nairobi)

by GORDON OSEN AND FAITH CHEBET Some 52 stateless Asians living in the country without legal status can now live freely after the government granted them Kenyan citizenship on Thursday. They are descendants or children of pioneer Asians who came […]