Tanzania: Citizenship floated to ex-refugees’ children

Published: 29/Apr/2022
Source: The Guardian (Dar es Salaam) / IPP Media

By Polycarp Machira

THE application of more than 6000 erstwhile Burundi nationals seeking naturalisation are being examined, the government said yesterday.

Jumanne Sagini, the deputy minister for Home Affairs, told the National Assembly that the Burundi nationals were born to 162,156 Burundian refugee parents awarded citizenship between 2009 and 2010, with others born after that date.

Those applicants are among 6,620 Burundians at Ulyankulu constituency seeking citizenship, he said in response to a question from Ulyankulu MP Rehema Migila, asking when the government would complete naturalization of 6000 Burundian refugees at Ulyankulu. They meet the criteria for naturalisation, she affirmed.

Citizenship was granted to 162,156 ex-Burundian refugees, the largest such group in local refugee camps, and a first in UNHCR records of
naturalization by a country of first asylum,after decades in exile.

Read further: https://www.ippmedia.com/en/news/citizenship-floated-ex-refugees%E2%80%99-children

Themes: Acquisition by children, Naturalisation and Marriage, Nationality and Refugees
Regions: Tanzania
Year: 2022