Tanzania: Granting diaspora special status in final stages

Published: 6/Avr/2024
Source: Daily News (Dar es Salaam)

By Rodgers Luhwago

DODOMA: THE government is finalising legal procedures for granting special status to Tanzanians residing abroad, the Parliament was told on Friday.

Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Daniel Sillo spoke on the new development on the matter when responding to the question by CCM Special Seats MP Suma Fyandomo.

The legislator sought reasons from the government on why it is reluctant to grant duo citizenship to Tanzanians residing abroad.

The deputy minister said Tanzania citizenship is governed by the Tanzania Citizenship Act, Chapter 357 (Revised Edition of 2002) and its Regulations of 1997.

Read further: https://dailynews.co.tz/granting-diaspora-special-status-in-final-stages/

Themes: Double Nationalité
Regions: Tanzanie
Year: 2024