Tanzania Law of the Child Act No.21 of 2009

Published: 20/Nov/2009

An Act to provide for reform and consolidation of laws relating to children, to stipulate rights of the child and to promote, protect and maintain the welfare of a child with a view to giving effect to international and regional conventions on the rights of the child; to provide for affiliation, foster care, adoption and custody of the child; to further regulate employment and apprenticeship; to make provisions with respect to a child in conflict with law and to provide for related matters.

Section 6 provides:

( 1) A child shall have a right to a name, nationality and to know his biological parents and extended family.
(2) A person shall not deprive a child of the right to a name, nationality and to know his biological parents and members of extended family subject to the provisions of any other written laws.
(3) Each parent or guardian shall be responsible for the registration of the birth of his child to the Registrar-General.

Download file: Tanzania Child Act 21-2009

Themes: Acquisition par les enfants
Regions: Tanzanie
Year: 2009