Termination of Zimbabwean Exemption Permit declared unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid
Published: 28/Juin/2023
Source: GroundUp (Cape Town)
Full bench of Pretoria High Court directs Home Affairs minister to conduct a fair process in reconsidering the end of the permits
By Tania Broughton
The decision by the Minister of Home Affairs to terminate the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit programme has been declared unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid.
Three judges, sitting as a full bench in the Pretoria High Court, have directed the minister to reconsider the issue “following a fair process” that complies with the relevant laws.
Pending the outcome of that process, the permits will remain valid for another 12 months (until the end of June 2024), and ZEP-holders have protection from arrest and deportation.
Read further: https://www.groundup.org.za/article/termination-of-zimbabwean-exemption-permit-declared-unlawful-unconstitutional-and-invalid/