The World’s Stateless
Published: 15/Déc/2014
Source: Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
This report is about ordinary people, living all over the world, who have one extraordinary thing in common: they do not hold any nationality at all. They are The World’s Stateless. When having a nationality (or even multiple nationalities) is the norm, it is difficult to picture what statelessness is like. It is difficult to find the right words to describe the absence of something. More often than perhaps we should, those of us who seek to convey the urgency of this issue and the severity of its impact have fallen back on terms like ‘legal ghosts’ and ‘citizens of nowhere’ to try to portray what statelessness means. Such labels may be effective, and even rather poetic, in describing the phenomenon of statelessness. Yet they are also misleading. As, perhaps, is the word‘stateless’ itself.
Report discusses global statistics on statelessness, with chapter on Africa, including sections on Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Democratic Rep. Congo, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe, as well as information on Benin, Eritrea and Ethiopia, South Africa, Sudan and South Sudan.
Download report from Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion website.