Academic Articles

Navigating the legal landscape of double registration in Kenya

Published: 1/May/2024
Source: Forced Migration Review

FMR 73 – Digital disruption and displacement By Wangui Gitahi Registration on the database of refugees in Kenya has placed Kenyan nationals at risk of statelessness. This article discusses how this came about and considers the importance of data security, […]

The right to nationality of the Saharawis and their legal identity documents

Published: 4/Mar/2024
Source: Citizenship Studies

Immanuel, Andrea Marilyn Pragashini. 2023. “The Right to Nationality of the Saharawis and Their Legal Identity Documents.” Citizenship Studies 27 (7): 914–32. doi:10.1080/13621025.2024.2321722. ABSTRACT The Western Sahara territory is a non-self-governing territory under international law with an ongoing struggle for […]

Statelessness in the Bakassi Peninsula: A Humanitarian Crisis in the Making

Published: 1/Dec/2023
Source: Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies

Hussain, Taofik Oyewo (2023) “Statelessness in the Bakassi Peninsula: A Humanitarian Crisis in the Making,” Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies: Vol. 5: Iss. 2. The Bakassi Peninsula is a resource-rich region straddling the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. […]

Addressing statelessness in the MENA region: a new network for mobilisation

Published: 1/Jun/2023
Source: Forced Migration Review

Zahra Albarazi and Thomas McGee A new regional network on statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa region is raising awareness and providing a platform for mobilisation. Statelessness has been an issue across the Middle East and North Africa […]

Introduction to AHMR Special Issue on Statelessness

Published: 31/Jan/2023
Source: African Human Mobility Review

Introduction to AHMR Volume 8 Number 3 September – December 2022 The African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed on-line journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects (socio-economic, political, legislative and developmental) of human […]

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