Uganda: NIRA starts massive 3-month registration for IDs
Published: 11/Feb/2019
Source: The Monitor (Kampala)
Kampala. The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) will today commence a three months massive registration of citizens to be enrolled on the national register and for issuance of National Identification Numbers (NINs).
NIRA’s public relations and corporate affairs manager, Mr Gilbert Kadilo, said that Ugandans aged 16 and above who will register during this exercise will also have their National Identity Cards processed and issued thereafter.
Mr Kadilo told Daily Monitor in an exclusive interview last week, that the exercise will be done at the sub-county/town council level in the districts and also at division offices in Kampala Capital City Authority and municipalities.
“On Monday (today) we are going to start a nationwide three months registration exercise. Unlike the previous exercise where people were registered at village level, this will be done at the sub-county, town council and division level,” Mr Kadilo said.
He said, during the same exercise, Ugandans who have not picked their National IDs that have been stocked at the NIRA district offices will also have them issued.
Out of the 17.5m National IDs that have been printed, 14.6m cards had been issued by January 2019 leaving a pending lot of 2.2m cards that have not yet been picked by their owners.
Information obtained from NIRA shows that at least 2.4m Ugandans aged 16 and above have not enrolled for the National Identity cards. These include 585,265 people whose application for National IDs has been queried because they provided insufficient and inconsistent information, or have gaps in their documentations.
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