UNHCR Campaign to end statelessness Update Jan – Mar 2024

Published: 26/Juil/2024
Source: UNHCR

Extracts relevant to Africa:

Action 1: Resolve existing major situations of statelessness

In February 2024, in Kenya, UNHCR is reviewed and provided technical feedback on a proposed amendment of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, aiming to establish a registration process for remaining stateless persons in the country.

Action 6: Grant protection status to stateless migrants and facilitate their naturalization

On 22 April, a delegation from Somalia’s Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs, and Reconciliation visited Kismayo in Jubba-land State to strengthen inter-ministerial relations, update on the revision of the nationality law and the implementation of a digital CRVS system. An introductory workshop for local authorities designated to address statelessness issues was also held.

On February 22 and 23, in Mali, the draft law on the status of stateless persons, validated by the Interministerial Committee for the Fight against Statelessness, was presented and defended before the Permanent Legislative Commission (PLC). The PLC approved the Draft law, a draft decree establishing the National Commission in charge of Stateless Persons, and a procedural guide for determining the status of stateless persons. These will be presented for validation in the June inter-ministerial meeting and are set for adoption by the National Transition Committee in October.

Action 7: Ensure birth registration for the prevention of statelessness

Between January and March 2024, in Algeria, UNHCR identified and referred several persons for legal aid for support with late birth registration and the issuance of birth certificates, thereby reducing risks of statelessness to those supported.

Action 8: Issue nationality documentation to those with entitlement to it

In Mauritania, the Government extended the enrollment exercise launched in July 2023 to mid-February 2024 to enable nationals who missed the first deadline (31 December 2023) to have an opportunity to be enrolled and receive documentation. The Government reported that over 609,000 persons, including populations at risk of statelessness, were registered through simplified and expedited procedures by the end of the exercise. Good practices employed for the exercise included reduced evidentiary requirements and mobile missions to isolated locations.

From January to March, in Burkina Faso the General Directorate for the Modernization of Civil Status and UNHCR, held meetings with local actors on delivery of civil documentation for internally displaced and vulnerable individuals, while scoping and sensitizing these populations. In total, 234 people participated in these meetings, including 37 women. This led to the collection of data for hearings for the issuance of birth certificates and the collection of basic documents for national identity cards. During this period, 4103 declaratory judgments were made for birth certificates, and 7426 people were enrolled for national identity cards across various regions.

Action 10: Improve quantitative and qualitative data on stateless populations

From 21 to 23 March, in Kericho, Kenya, UNHCR and NGO partner Haki Centre trained 14 community ambassadors from the Rwandan stateless community on Citizens Generated Data for a community self-register. The exercise, conducted from 25 March to 8 April, enhanced quantitative data on Kenya’s stateless persons and supported evidence-based advocacy.

Download: https://www.refworld.org/reference/news/unhcr/2024/en/148314



Themes: Acquisition par les enfants, Apatridie, Cartes d’identité et passeports, Enregistrement des naissances, Normes internationales, Naturalisation et le mariage
Regions: Algérie, Mali, International, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Somalie, Mauritanie
Year: 2024