UNHCR Campaign to End Statelessness Update October – December 2022

Published: 15/Feb/2023
Source: UNHCR

Extracts relevant to Africa:

Implementation of the Global Action Plan

Action 1: Resolve existing major situations of statelessness

On 12 December, during Kenya’s 59th Jamhuri Day (Independence day) celebrations, President Dr. William Ruto announced that the Government will “initiate modalities to recognize the Pemba people as citizens of Kenya”. This important step follows year-long advocacy  from a group of Members of Parliament, affected communities, UNHCR and civil society, as well as a 2020 public petition calling on the  government to recognize the Pemba as Kenyan. UNHCR will provide technical and operational support to the government and other  stakeholders to ensure that this announcement is translated into effective access to Kenyan citizenship and the issuance of nationality  documentation to the Pemba community. To operationalize the presidential decision to naturalize the Pemba people, UNHCR and its partner  organization the Haki Centre are supporting the Pemba people in creating a community self-register to map their family trees in  order to prove their  claim to Kenyan nationality. To finalize the self-register, UNHCR provided a training on the Citizen Generated Data framework to staff from the Haki Centre, paralegals from the Pemba community, and community representatives.

Action 2: Ensure that no child is born stateless

A number of States in West and Central Africa made steps towards establishing a statelessness determination procedure in the fourth quarter of 2022. On 24 October, the National Assembly of Benin adopted a law on the status of refugees and stateless persons which  regulates the protection of stateless persons and provides for the creation of a national body in charge of the to-be-established statelessness determination  procedure. The next step will be publication of the law in the Official Gazette and adoption of the implementing decree.

On 26 October, the  Ministry of Justice of Niger, with the support from UNHCR, organized a workshop to discuss and validate a consultancy report on an asylum  reform and the establishment of a statelessness determination procedure.

The Governments of Burkina Faso and Guinea held workshops with experts to review and validate draft legislation on the establishment of  statelessness determination procedures. The draft legislation will next be submitted for adoption in both countries.

The National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI) of Nigeria held a three-day meeting to review  the draft standard operating procedures on the statelessness determination procedure. The meeting was attended by representatives from  relevant government agencies, UN agencies and NGOs and resulted in a communique from various stakeholders calling on the NCFRMI to  promptly establish a statelessness determination procedure.

Action 7: Ensure birth registration for the prevention of statelessness

From 14 to 18 November, in Kenya, UNHCR’s partner organization Haki Centre and the Civil Registration Services conducted a five-day  mobile birth registration exercise in five locations in Kwale County assisting over 2,000 stateless individuals and at-risk populations.  UNHCR joined the exercise to monitor the implementation and get feedback from the communities on service delivery. Also in Kenya, from  28 November to 2 December, UNHCR, Haki Centre and the Civil Registration Services consulted with the stateless Pemba and Rundi  communities in Kwale and Kilifi counties to understand the challenges they encounter in accessing late birth registration. Their feedback and  recommendations are meant to inform policy changes in late birth registration to ensure that stateless persons can access these  procedures.

UNHCR and the civil registry authorities of Sudan continued birth registration campaigns in eight states of the country and issued birth  certificates to more than 5,000 individuals at risk of statelessness, including returnees, internally displaced people, refugees, and individuals  from host communities. The eight states include North, West and South Kordofan, North, East and Central Darfur, Gedaref and Khartoum.

From October to December, UNCHR supported the Government of Burkina Faso in issuing over 40,000 civil status and identity documents  to around 4,000 refugees, 20,000 internally displaced persons and 16,000 members of host communities. Additionally, the digital icivil birth registration tool was deployed in the commune of Karangasso-Vigué, Hauts-Bassins region, which facilitated the issuance of close to 600 birth certificates to persons at risk of  statelessness. In the same period 60 new secondary civil registration centers were opened.

In Algeria, UNHCR carried out awareness-raising sessions on the importance of birth registration during refugee registration and reception  activities from October to December. During this period, several individuals were identified and referred for legal assistance to access late  birth registration services or to correct their birth certificates.

Action 8: Issue nationality documentation to those with entitlement to it

In 2022, UNHCR and its partner the Catholic University of Mozambique, in cooperation with the Government of Mozambique, supported  the issuance of identity documents to 8,619 internally displaced persons and members of the host community in Cabo Delgado Province. In Nampula Province 7,482 identity documents and 7,884 birth certificates were issued and in Zambezia province, 2,873 identity documents  and 5,593 birth certificates were issued.

Action 10: Improve quantitative and qualitative data on stateless populations

On 19 October, the study “Statelessness and Risks of Statelessness in Malawi” was validated at a stakeholders’ meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi,  and will soon be published. The study was commissioned by the Government of Malawi and UNHCR.

On 28 October, the Government of Angola and UNHCR released a study on statelessness which was shared with government authorities,  embassies, UN agencies and other relevant parties. The study identifies the following groups as being at risk of statelessness: former Angolan refugees returning to Angola, abandoned children, street children, nomadic communities in southern Angola, populations living in  disputed border regions, irregular foreign migrants and long-term refugees.

Mobilizing governments and civil society

The Ministry of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation of Somalia held a stakeholder consultation from 2 to 5 October on improving civil  registration and vital statistics (CRVS) in the country. The meeting resulted in several agreed action points, including the capacity building of  civil registration officials, the establishment of local registrar offices in five districts within each Federal Member State and the  development of a costed CRVS plan for the next five years.

Malawi held a consultation meeting on accession to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness on 21 October which convened representatives of various ministries, including the  Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Human  Rights Commission. The meeting resulted in a recommendation by the stakeholders for the country to accede to the convention.

The Ministry of Homeland Security of Malawi held a stakeholder workshop from 19 to 21 October that resulted in a draft national action plan on statelessness for the implementation of the government’s pledges submitted at the 2019 High-Level Segment on Statelessness and  Global Refugee Forum. The plan has been submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs for validation.

In Cameroon, UNHCR held an information session on statelessness in December for parliamentarians, members of the Senate and relevant ministries, with the goal of  securing the commitment of parliamentarians in supporting the government’s efforts to eradicate statelessness. The session focused on  initiatives that require the support from parliamentarians, such as accession to the UN Statelessness Conventions. As a result of the session, parliamentarians issued a communique inviting the government to finalize accession to the conventions as soon as  possible and implement their provisions. The parliamentarians also committed to passing laws to promote the inclusion of people at risk of statelessness in Cameroon.

UNHCR, in collaboration with government counterparts, held a workshop on 25 and 26 November in Liberia that resulted in the updating of
the national action plan to eradicate statelessness,
which was first developed in 2015. The national action plan is currently awaiting  validation by all relevant experts before it is submitted to the cabinet for endorsement.

In Mozambique UNHCR and its partner for legal documentation and assistance activities, the Universidade Católica de Moçambique (UCM), organized and co-facilitated a workshop  from 5 to 7 December, on statelessness in Pemba,. The workshop convened key officials from seven government entities who could be  potential advocates and allies in the effort to end statelessness. The workshop raised awareness about the  international and national legal frameworks related to statelessness and nationality, and examined the risks of statelessness in the   Mozambican context. Recommendations were made on measures to reduce statelessness by improving access to birth registration and  identity documents. The workshop also advocated for changes to the Mozambican nationality law and processes to align them with the 1954  and 1961 Conventions, which Mozambique has already ratified, and to resolve conflicts between the nationality law and several provisions in the Mozambican Constitution.

UNHCR, in partnership with the Helsinki Committee, the Arab Institute for Human Rights, and the Faculty of Legal, Political, and Social  Sciences of Tunisia, held from 28 to 30 November, a regional seminar in Tunis focused on both international protection and the prevention of statelessness in the North Africa  region. Legal actors including lawyers and judges, members of academia and legal clinic directors from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia participated  in the meeting. During the seminar, a study on statelessness in Tunisia, which was prepared  jointly by UNHCR and the Arab Institute for Human Rights, was presented. The seminar also opened up opportunities for strengthened partnerships between UNHCR and legal clinics and the creation of a regional network of legal clinics.

Download full report: https://www.refworld.org/docid/63ea61504.html

Themes: International standards, Statelessness
Regions: Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, International, North Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, West Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria
Year: 2022