West Africa Intensifies Efforts to Address Statelessness
Published: 26/Feb/2018
Source: CAJ News Africa
By Alexis Doumbia
Abidjan — THE Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has pledged to eradicate statelessness by 2024.
In the region, there at least 700 000 people that are stateless and many more are believed to be at risk of statelessness, essentially because of gaps in nationality laws and obstacles in administrative procedures to establish proof of nationality.
This past weekend, ECOWAS celebrated the third anniversary of the Abidjan Declaration on the eradication of the problem.
“In the region, some nationality laws still contain discriminatory elements based on gender, ethnicity or race,” lamented Liz Ahua, United Nations High Commissionner for Refugees Regional Representative for West Africa.
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