Written statement on Ending Sex Discrimination in Citizenship and Nationality Laws
Published: 2/Jun/2016
Source: Equality Now and the Equal Rights Trust
Written statement to the Human Rights Council submitted by Equality Now, The Equal Rights Trust, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status on ending sex discrimination in citizenship and nationality laws.
On behalf of the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, which works to end gender discrimination in nationality laws, we commend the Human Rights Council for having reaffirmed in its Resolution 20/4 of July 2012 the right to a nationality as a universal human right and for recognizing that women and children without a nationality are particularly vulnerable to abuse and violation of their human rights. In addition to causing significant and wide-ranging human rights abuses, discriminatory nationality laws are in violation of international law and prevent the realization of seven out of seventeen of the Sustainable Development Goals, which specifically call for “eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.” (Target 10.3) We echo the Human Rights Council’s call to Member States to refrain from enacting or maintaining discriminatory nationality legislation and urge the Human Rights Council and Member States to build on the 2012 Resolution through increased attention to this issue.
Read the full statement.