Zambia: Government decentralises the issuance of Birth and Death certificates

Published: 24/Nov/2017
Source: Lusaka Times

GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Home Affairs has announced the decentralisation program for the issuance of Birth and Death certificates in the country stating that decentralisation of this process will help government in planning based on the population Statistics.

Speaking during the launch of the decentralisation of birth and death certification in Kabwe today Home Affairs Minster Hon. Stephen Kampyongo said his Ministry issued the birth and death general amendment rules of statutory instrument No. 44 in June of 2016 to decentralise the certification so that provincial and district registrars are given powers to issue birth and death certificates.

“birth certificate is an important document that gives people an identity, to this effect government through my Ministry has been implementing 2015/2019 strategic plan to ensure all vital events such as births and deaths are registered and certified by 2030” said the Minister.

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Themes: Identity Documents, Birth Registration
Regions: Southern Africa, Zambia
Year: 2017